Launched in 2023, the Green Economic Transition Facility, under the first Window of funding, ‘Accelerating Alternative Sources of Energy and Fuel-Efficient Solutions’, aims to support investments in affordable and accessible alternative energy and fuel-efficient business solutions to be adopted and used by households in urban and per-urban areas of Malawi.

The Green Economic Transition Facility (GETF) will provide a combination of matching grants of up to $US300, 000 and Technical Assistance on demand working with multiple development partners with a passion to de-risk and accelerate growth of green business solutions in Malawi.

Window 1, Accelerating Alternative Sources of Energy and Fuel-Efficient Solutions, funded by the Irish Embassy in Malawi through Irish Aid, is now open for investment support. Under this window, the GETF will be supporting three rounds of investment, providing crucial funding, and on-demand Technical Assistance to projects that are focused on accelerating the development of alternative sources of energy and fuel-efficient solutions.

Window 2, Accelerating Green Business, funded by the Government of Germany, through the German Development Bank KfW, is now open for investment support. Under this window, the GETF will be supporting private sector-led investments through the provision of matching grants and on-demand Technical Assistance to projects that are focused on accelerating the development of green business solutions which will be addressing a particular pressure point in the environment.
Accelerating Sustainable and Scalable Climate Change and Adaptation Solutions, funded by the Flanders International, is now open for investment support. In order to qualify for a matching grant and on-demand technical assistance support under window 3 the lead applicant and, or its collaborators need to propose a project which will focus at catalyzing market-led, demand-driven approaches in accelerating green solutions whilst creating jobs and improving the livelihoods of the bottom of the pyramid.

Know somebody else who might be interested? Share to your socials you might just be the missing link they needed to get their Alternative and Sustainable Energy Solutions Business to the Next Level