In order to qualify for a matching grant and on-demand technical assistance support under window 1 the lead applicant and, or its collaborators need to propose a project that will invest and, or diversify into alternative sources of energy and fuel-efficient solutions that are Affordable, Accessible and Acceptable by urban and peri-urban households in Malawi. At the same time, the new initiatives shall target a positive domestic social or environmental impact to be integrated into the business model of the company. The alternative fuels to be promoted shall include product/service/technology/business models that embrace marketing solutions for Acceptability and Adoption which shall be promoted together with Distribution Solutions for Accessibility of the solution. Hence, the proposed business model(s) should clearly address the above challenges along the triple-A paradigm (Affordability, Accessibility, and Acceptability) among the targeted urban and or peri-urban households in Malawi.
​In order to qualify for a matching grant and on-demand technical assistance support under window 2 the lead applicant and, or its collaborators need to propose a project which will prioritize sustainability and conservation in their overall proposed business model whilst creating jobs and improving the livelihoods of the bottom of the pyramid. The applicants need to propose to set up project(s) that will address a particular pressure-point on the environment (e.g. waste management, land conservation,Biodiversity conservation, deforestation, etc) which aims at reducing negative environmental impact and also promoting green initiatives through local partnerships, behavioral change campaigns, new distribution models, etc. Hence, the private sector companies are being challenged to set up projects that shall front- load the necessity for job creation and livelihood improvements as the green solution is articulated along the triple-A paradigm of Affordability, Accessibility, and Acceptability among the targeted households who will benefit from the project as suppliers or consumers of the product/service/technology/business model to be promoted under the project.
Window 3, Accelerating Sustainable and Scalable Climate Change and Adaptation Solutions, funded by the Flanders International, is now open for investment support. In order to qualify for a matching grant and on-demand technical assistance support under window 3 the lead applicant and, or its collaborators need to propose a project which will focus at catalyzing market-led, demand-driven approaches in accelerating green solutions whilst creating jobs and improving the livelihoods of the bottom of the pyramid. The applicants need to propose to set up project(s) that will promote nature-based solutions products, services and business models encompassing sustainable forest management, or watershed management, or land conservation, or waste management to address pressing climate change adaptation challenges and also promoting green initiatives through local partnerships, behavioral change campaigns, new distribution models, etc. Hence, the private sector companies are being challenged to set up projects that shall front-load the necessity for job creation and livelihood improvements as the green solution is articulated along the triple-A paradigm of Affordability, Accessibility, and Acceptability among the targeted households who will benefit from the project as suppliers or consumers of the product/service/technology/business model to be promoted under the project.

The GETF aims at addressing the following market barriers to green business in Malawi:
Unawareness of the benefits of green investments
High transportation costs for waste affects cost of production of a final product that has waste at its core
Low adoption of technologies
Inability to use less invasive production processes and materials